Hakai > Data > Sensor Network > BuxtonEast.1hourSamples (2024-11-05 00:00:00 PST - 2025-01-28 15:00:00 PST) | Hakai, a Tula Foundation program |
Mt. Buxton weather station Data from this location is also available here, on Weather Underground. Disclaimer: 0 |
Measurement name | Measurement unit | Logger function | Measurements found | Measurements missing | Sensor information/measurement calculation |
TAirBuxtonEast_Med (AirTemp_Med) | deg C | Med | 2032 | 0 | HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill =median(BuxtonEast.5minuteSamples.AirTemp_Avg) |
TAirBuxtonEast_Avg (AirTemp_Avg) | deg C | Avg | 2032 | 0 | HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill =avg(BuxtonEast.5minuteSamples.AirTemp_Avg) |
TAirBuxtonEast_Min (AirTemp_Min) | deg C | Min | 2032 | 0 | HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill =min(BuxtonEast.5minuteSamples.AirTemp_Avg) |
TAirBuxtonEast_Max (AirTemp_Max) | deg C | Max | 2032 | 0 | HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill =max(BuxtonEast.5minuteSamples.AirTemp_Avg) |
RHBuxtonEast_Med (RH_Med) | % | Med | 2032 | 0 | HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill =median(BuxtonEast.5minuteSamples.RH_Avg) |
RHBuxtonEast_Avg (RH_Avg) | % | Avg | 2032 | 0 | HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill =avg(BuxtonEast.5minuteSamples.RH_Avg) |
RHBuxtonEast_Min (RH_Min) | % | Min | 2032 | 0 | HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill =min(BuxtonEast.5minuteSamples.RH_Avg) |
RHBuxtonEast_Max (RH_Max) | % | Max | 2032 | 0 | HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill =max(BuxtonEast.5minuteSamples.RH_Avg) |
SnowDepth_TC | m | Smp | 1809 | 223 | SR50A: Sonic Ranging Sensor SN=4865 =snowDepth(rangeClip(minimumValue=0.1,maximumValue=15),sensorHeight=3.66) |
SnowDepth_TC_Med | m | Med | 1843 | 189 | SR50A: Sonic Ranging Sensor SN=4865 =median(snowDepth(rangeClip(minimumValue=0.1,maximumValue=15),sensorHeight=3.66)) |
SnowDepth_TC_Avg | m | Avg | 1843 | 189 | SR50A: Sonic Ranging Sensor SN=4865 =avg(snowDepth(rangeClip(minimumValue=0.1,maximumValue=15),sensorHeight=3.66)) |
SnowDepth_TC_Min | m | Min | 1843 | 189 | SR50A: Sonic Ranging Sensor SN=4865 =min(snowDepth(rangeClip(minimumValue=0.1,maximumValue=15),sensorHeight=3.66)) |
SnowDepth_TC_Max | m | Max | 1843 | 189 | SR50A: Sonic Ranging Sensor SN=4865 =max(snowDepth(rangeClip(minimumValue=0.1,maximumValue=15),sensorHeight=3.66)) |
WindSpdBuxtonEast_Avg (WindSpd_Avg) | m/s | Avg | 2032 | 0 | 05103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill |
WindSpdBuxtonEast_Min (WindSpd_Min) | m/s | Min | 2032 | 0 | 05103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill |
WindSpdBuxtonEast_Max (WindSpd_Max) | m/s | Max | 2032 | 0 | 05103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill |
WindSpdBuxtonEast_Std (WindSpd_Std) | m/s | Std | 2032 | 0 | 05103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill |
WindDirBuxtonEast_Avg (WindDir_Avg) | degrees | Avg | 2032 | 0 | 05103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill |
WindDirBuxtonEast_Std (WindDir_Std) | degrees | Std | 2032 | 0 | 05103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill |
PStnBuxtonEast_Avg (StationAirPressure_Avg) | hPa | Avg | 2032 | 0 | SB-100: Barometric Pressure Sensor SN=follow up with Bill |
PStnBuxtonEast_Min (StationAirPressure_Min) | hPa | Min | 2032 | 0 | SB-100: Barometric Pressure Sensor SN=follow up with Bill |
PStnBuxtonEast_Max (StationAirPressure_Max) | hPa | Max | 2032 | 0 | SB-100: Barometric Pressure Sensor SN=follow up with Bill |
PStnBuxtonEast_Std (StationAirPressure_Std) | hPa | Std | 2032 | 0 | SB-100: Barometric Pressure Sensor SN=follow up with Bill |
SolarRad_Avg | W/m2 | Avg | 2032 | 0 | SP-110: Pyranometer SN=follow up with Bill |
SolarRad_Min | W/m2 | Min | 2032 | 0 | SP-110: Pyranometer SN=follow up with Bill |
SolarRad_Max | W/m2 | Max | 2032 | 0 | SP-110: Pyranometer SN=follow up with Bill |
SolarRad_Std | W/m2 | Std | 2032 | 0 | SP-110: Pyranometer SN=follow up with Bill |
Solar24HrBuxtonEast (24hourSolar) | MJ | 24 hour total | 2032 | 0 | SP-110: Pyranometer SN=follow up with Bill =total(total(BuxtonEast.5minuteSamples.SolarRad5MinuteTotal,12),24) |
RainBuxtonEast (Rain) | mm | Tot | 2032 | 0 | TE525M: Tipping-bucket Rain Gauge SN=follow up with Bill =total(BuxtonEast.5minuteSamples.Rain,12) |
Rain24HrBuxtonEast (24hourRain) | mm | 24 hour total | 2032 | 0 | TE525M: Tipping-bucket Rain Gauge SN=follow up with Bill =total(total(BuxtonEast.5minuteSamples.Rain,12),24) |
PrecipGaugeLvl | m | Smp | 2032 | 0 | |
PrecipGaugeLvl_Avg | m | Avg | 2032 | 0 | |
PrecipGaugeLvl_Min | m | Min | 2032 | 0 | |
PrecipGaugeLvl_Max | m | Max | 2032 | 0 | |
PrecipGaugeLvl_Std | m | Std | 2032 | 0 | |
PrecipGaugeTemp | deg C | Smp | 2032 | 0 | |
PrecipGaugeTemp_Avg | deg C | Avg | 2032 | 0 | |
PrecipGaugeTemp_Min | deg C | Min | 2032 | 0 | |
PrecipGaugeTemp_Max | deg C | Max | 2032 | 0 | |
PrecipGaugeTemp_Std | deg C | Std | 2032 | 0 | |
EnclosureTemp_Avg | deg C | Avg | 2032 | 0 | |
EnclosureTemp_Min | deg C | Min | 2032 | 0 | |
EnclosureTemp_Max | deg C | Max | 2032 | 0 | |
PanelTemp_Avg | deg C | Avg | 2032 | 0 | CR1000: Data Logger |
PanelTemp_Min | deg C | Min | 2032 | 0 | CR1000: Data Logger |
PanelTemp_Max | deg C | Max | 2032 | 0 | CR1000: Data Logger |
BattVolt_Avg | Volts | Avg | 2032 | 0 | CR1000: Data Logger |
BattVolt_Min | Volts | Min | 2032 | 0 | CR1000: Data Logger |
BattVolt_Max | Volts | Max | 2032 | 0 | CR1000: Data Logger |