Hakai > Data > Sensor Network > BuxtonEast.1hourSamples (2024-05-04 00:00:00 PST - 2024-07-26 19:00:00 PST) Hakai, a Tula Foundation program
Start time2024-05-04 00:00:00 PST
End time2024-07-26 19:00:00 PST
Generated time2024-07-26 19:24:00 PST
Sample interval1 hour
Mt. Buxton weather station
Data from this location is also available here, on Weather Underground.
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Measurement summary

Measurement nameMeasurement unitLogger functionMeasurements foundMeasurements missingSensor information/measurement calculation
TAirBuxtonEast_Med (AirTemp_Med)deg CMed20120HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill
TAirBuxtonEast_Avg (AirTemp_Avg)deg CAvg20120HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill
TAirBuxtonEast_Min (AirTemp_Min)deg CMin20120HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill
TAirBuxtonEast_Max (AirTemp_Max)deg CMax20120HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill
TAirBuxtonEast_Std (AirTemp_Std)deg CStd02012HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill
RHBuxtonEast_Med (RH_Med)%Med20120HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill
RHBuxtonEast_Avg (RH_Avg)%Avg20120HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill
RHBuxtonEast_Min (RH_Min)%Min20120HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill
RHBuxtonEast_Max (RH_Max)%Max20120HC2S3: Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe SN=follow up with Bill
SnowDepth_TCmSmp02012SR50A: Sonic Ranging Sensor SN=4865
SnowDepth_TC_MedmMed02012SR50A: Sonic Ranging Sensor SN=4865
SnowDepth_TC_AvgmAvg02012SR50A: Sonic Ranging Sensor SN=4865
SnowDepth_TC_MinmMin02012SR50A: Sonic Ranging Sensor SN=4865
SnowDepth_TC_MaxmMax02012SR50A: Sonic Ranging Sensor SN=4865
WindSpdBuxtonEast_Avg (WindSpd_Avg)m/sAvg2012005103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill
WindSpdBuxtonEast_Min (WindSpd_Min)m/sMin2012005103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill
WindSpdBuxtonEast_Max (WindSpd_Max)m/sMax2012005103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill
WindSpdBuxtonEast_Std (WindSpd_Std)m/sStd2012005103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill
WindDirBuxtonEast_Avg (WindDir_Avg)degreesAvg2012005103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill
WindDirBuxtonEast_Std (WindDir_Std)degreesStd2012005103-45: Alpine Wind Monitor SN=follow up with Bill
PStnBuxtonEast_Avg (StationAirPressure_Avg)hPaAvg20120SB-100: Barometric Pressure Sensor SN=follow up with Bill
PStnBuxtonEast_Min (StationAirPressure_Min)hPaMin20120SB-100: Barometric Pressure Sensor SN=follow up with Bill
PStnBuxtonEast_Max (StationAirPressure_Max)hPaMax20120SB-100: Barometric Pressure Sensor SN=follow up with Bill
PStnBuxtonEast_Std (StationAirPressure_Std)hPaStd20120SB-100: Barometric Pressure Sensor SN=follow up with Bill
SolarRad_AvgW/m2Avg20057SP-110: Pyranometer SN=follow up with Bill
SolarRad_MinW/m2Min20057SP-110: Pyranometer SN=follow up with Bill
SolarRad_MaxW/m2Max20057SP-110: Pyranometer SN=follow up with Bill
SolarRad_StdW/m2Std20057SP-110: Pyranometer SN=follow up with Bill
Solar24HrBuxtonEast (24hourSolar)MJ24 hour total20120SP-110: Pyranometer SN=follow up with Bill
RainBuxtonEast (Rain)mmTot20120TE525M: Tipping-bucket Rain Gauge SN=follow up with Bill
Rain24HrBuxtonEast (24hourRain)mm24 hour total20120TE525M: Tipping-bucket Rain Gauge SN=follow up with Bill
PrecipGaugeTempdeg CSmp20120
PrecipGaugeTemp_Avgdeg CAvg20120
PrecipGaugeTemp_Mindeg CMin20120
PrecipGaugeTemp_Maxdeg CMax20120
PrecipGaugeTemp_Stddeg CStd20120
EnclosureTemp_Avgdeg CAvg20120
EnclosureTemp_Mindeg CMin20120
EnclosureTemp_Maxdeg CMax20120
PanelTemp_Avgdeg CAvg20120CR1000: Data Logger
PanelTemp_Mindeg CMin20120CR1000: Data Logger
PanelTemp_Maxdeg CMax20120CR1000: Data Logger
BattVolt_AvgVoltsAvg20120CR1000: Data Logger
BattVolt_MinVoltsMin20120CR1000: Data Logger
BattVolt_MaxVoltsMax20120CR1000: Data Logger